On Friday, November 20, 2009 the NHCS Advisory Council on Special Education made it's third school-site visit of the 2009-2010 school year to Emma B. Trask Middle School. Principal, Sharon Dousharm, and her special education staff gave a informative presentation and school-site tour of the special education programs currently at Trask Middle School. Cindy Szulewski-Booth, NHCS Assistive Technology Specialist, presented information to the Advisory Council on the assistive technology available to NHCS students, teachers, and special education programs. The Advisory Council would like to thank Trask Middle School and Cindy Szulewski-Booth for their time and effort in educating the NHCS Advisory Council on their impressive programs.
Sharon Dousharm (middle) and members of Trask
Middle Schools Special Education Staff.
Laura Bullard, Trask Special Education Teacher,
presents special education program information.
Assistive technology driven SDA-DL
classroom at Trask Middle School.
Trask Middle School student using interactive
technology during a literature lesson.
Cindy Szulewski-Booth, Assistive Technology Specialist, uses
a Mimio (interactive technology) for for AT technology presentation.